Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Hi everyone! Buddy here.

I've been teething lately. I've lost most of my front teeth, including my top canines. It's been very uncomfortable for my gums, and as a result, I've been chewing on a lot of things. Including my daddy's stinky feet.

Here I am chewing on my sister's ears.

She doesn't like that. After a while, she'll kick my ass and I have to find something else to chew on.

Like my Pound Puppy's ears!

It's too bad that I can't reach enough to lick my nuts, because I bet it would feel really good to gum my balls. Oh well.

Anyway, my adult teeth came in. Wanna see?

They're a little too big for my mouth, so they stick out. I guess it makes me look more like a Bulldog.

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