Sunday, December 14, 2008

Choking Scare

Hi everybody. Buddy here.

I had quite a scare this morning. Let me tell you how it all went down.

As a bulldog, I'm not only stocky and inflexible, I also have some breathing problems. I'm a brachycephalic dog, meaning I have a short muzzle and large lower jaw. This results in small nostrils, an elongated soft palate, and narrow windpipes. It also makes me a loud breather.

So, in addition to not being able to lick myself, I can't endure too much physical activity. I also can't close my eyes all the way when I'm asleep.

I look like I'm awake in that photo, but I'm not. My sister Ariel doesn't have that problem, and she makes fun of me for it. She says that she has superior breeding.

So anyway. I was roughhousing with Ariel this morning after breakfast. Mommy and daddy kept telling us to stop, but we didn't listen. I got so worked up with the play fight that I puked by breakfast all over the floor. I must have choked on a piece of puked-up kibble, because I stoppped breathing. My hind legs went stiff, and I fell over. I was panicking on my back, trying to draw a breath while my legs kicked the air. Daddy ran over and picked me up, and I started breathing again. It was really scary.

Afterwards, both mommy and daddy kept coddling me, which was pretty sweet. I even think Ariel was afraid for me, although she won't admit it.

Maybe I choked because I didn't listen to my parents when they told us to stop roughhousing. So I think I better do what my mommy and daddy tell me to do from now on. At least for a little while.

Friday, December 12, 2008

More about my Family

Hi everybody! Buddy here.

I told you in my first post that I live with my adopted parents and my sister. I'll tell you more about them now.

Here's me and my daddy.

I'm not too sure what he does for a living, but he dresses up like a tree every day.

He doesn't like to wear pants, but I'm pretty sure he can't lick his own nuts either. I suspect that he's doing yoga so that he can achieve the required flexibility. Maybe I should do yoga too!

And here I am with my mommy.

She dresses up in colorful clothes when she goes to work. I'm always really excited when she comes home, and I wag my tail to show my appreciation. She's been my sister's mommy for over eight years.

And speaking of the's my sister, Ariel.

She's an old coot, and she gets angry at me a lot. And like I said before, she never lick my nuts for me, even though I lick her all the time. Oh well.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Hi everyone! Buddy here.

I've been teething lately. I've lost most of my front teeth, including my top canines. It's been very uncomfortable for my gums, and as a result, I've been chewing on a lot of things. Including my daddy's stinky feet.

Here I am chewing on my sister's ears.

She doesn't like that. After a while, she'll kick my ass and I have to find something else to chew on.

Like my Pound Puppy's ears!

It's too bad that I can't reach enough to lick my nuts, because I bet it would feel really good to gum my balls. Oh well.

Anyway, my adult teeth came in. Wanna see?

They're a little too big for my mouth, so they stick out. I guess it makes me look more like a Bulldog.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

My Support Group

Hi everyone, Buddy here. I went to my support group today, where I can interact with other dogs who can't lick their nuts. My daddy said it's called the Afternoon San Diego English Bulldog Meetup Group.

My sister Ariel is also a Bulldog, so she can't lick her nether-parts either. But she doesn't really like me, so I don't get much support from her. Here she is talking to some other Bulldogs.

Sometimes I think she doesn't like me because I'm not white.

Anyway, I think the support group is great. It helps to know that I'm not alone, and that there are other dogs out there who lack the flexibility to lick their own nuts.

Here I am with a new friend, who is also named Buddy.

We chatted a bit and then licked each other's nuts.

This big guy is Bubba.

His red rocket is showing.

When the meeting was over, we started walking home. That's when I saw my new friend, Ceasar, in his stroller.

I think it's awesome. He doesn't even have to walk home!

All in all, it was a great time. I met some new friends, and it was great getting support from fellow Bulldogs. Plus, I got my nuts licked. I can't wait until the next meeting!

Friday, December 5, 2008


Hi! My name is Buddy Lee!

Aren't I cute? My biggest fans are pretty girls and really fruity guys. They can't get enough of me.

I'm a brindle and white English Bulldog puppy. I'm adopted by a Chinaman and a white lady. I live in San Diego with them and my sister Ariel, an eight year old white English Bulldog. Here she is.

I'm pretty sure that she hates me. She growls at me a lot, and has never, ever offered to lick my nuts for me.

I enjoy peeing on inappropriate things (carpet, my toys, sweaters and T-shirts that might be laying around), chewing inappropriate things (wiimotes, furniture, mommy's thongs), eating, and napping. Since I'm a bulldog, I'm very inflexible, and that's why I can't lick my nuts.

I know. It's a bad thing to be a dog and not be able to lick my own nuts and/or ass. This blog is about my daily struggle as cute as hell bulldog who has everything in the world...but can't lick his own nuts.